Ron Cass

Executive Guide to Nonprofit Success – Jan. 23rd, Cleveland OH

Sponsored by Howard, Wershbale & Co., the Executive Guide to Nonprofit Success offers a full day of presentations on topics ranging from website design to legal challenges confronting nonprofits.  It will be held at the at the Benjamin Rose Institute on Thursday, January 23rd from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.   Ron Cass, founder and CEO …

Executive Guide to Nonprofit Success – Jan. 23rd, Cleveland OH Read More »

Cleveland Museum of Art Launches Mobile Membership Pages

Always forward-thinking when it comes to technology, the Cleveland Museum of Art has implemented mobile-optimized donation/membership pages using the Big River platform. With mobile web expected to overtake desktop web usage by the end of 2014, experts are urging nonprofits to optimize their web pages for mobile visitors; the CMA is taking action.   In …

Cleveland Museum of Art Launches Mobile Membership Pages Read More »

Don’t get dumped by your donors!

Reports regarding abandonment of nonprofit donation pages are startling. DonationPay reports an average donation page bounce rate of 67%, and npENGAGE   says the range for donation form abandonment on nonprofit sites is 50-70%. There can be many factors that contribute to abandonment, but redirection to a third party site for transaction processing may be chief among …

Don’t get dumped by your donors! Read More »

Creating Sustainable & Self-Perpetuating Fundraising in the age of the Millennial donor:

The Challenge   Recruiting and retaining students (future funders) is an increasingly competitive endeavor in today’s higher education environment. Endowments are shrinking, funding at the local, state, and federal levels continues to diminish, and the projected decrease in college-age students over the next decade is alarming.  At the same time, the economy in recent years …

Creating Sustainable & Self-Perpetuating Fundraising in the age of the Millennial donor: Read More »