The underlying philosophy at Big River is that we want to help you manage the Point of Contact (why you’re reaching out to people), and the Point of Contact (how you reach out to them, and what...
Have You Heard the News? A recent segment on the always excellent show Marketplace discussed the Metro Nashville Public School System’s decision to ban online education fundraising. At first glance...
Big River’s Comprehensive Platform Make Managing Any Type of Campaign a Breeze The Cleveland Hearing and Speech Center (CHSC) is the oldest hearing and speech center in the nation. CHSC provides...
You Have Many Campaigns — Are They All Working Out? The nonprofit industry can never remain still. More and more, outside influencers (and certainly some internal) are changing the way donors engage...
The Impact You Make on Your Donors Can Increase Their Affinity for Your Nonprofit Getting donors to give to your nonprofit is one challenge, but keeping donors happy is a completely different...
It’s no secret that building a donor base is challenging for nonprofits. The foundation of donors that many organizations have relied on for years has dropped in recent years, even though it was...