How To Use Pinterest To Drive Online Giving

  Pinterest is not just for crafters, fashionistas and people looking for good short haircuts.  Used well, it’s a powerful way to use images and video to get your nonprofit’s message...

15 Ways To Use Psychology To Engage Donors

 Inspired by Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D.   Dr. Cialdini’s book explores 6 fundamental psychological principles that direct human behavior.   Using...

How do I get constituents to follow my nonprofit on social media?

  Does your nonprofit have a social media presence, but struggle to build a following large enough to drive real results?  Try first meeting your audiences where they are. How do you communicate...

4 Crowdfunding Strategies You’ve Never Considered

  Online crowdfunding reportedly raised over 5 billion dollars in 2013 with about 30% going to charitable causes.  In recent years, there has been a proliferation of platforms and consultants...

5 Easy Ways To Boost Online Donations

  Online retailers invest LOADS (that’s a technical term meaning “a heck of a lot”) of time and money to find ways to covert more visitors to customers.  Not all of the...

One Thank You Note You Have To See

Donor Acknowledgement is not the same thing as a Thank You.  It’s tempting to try to craft a donor acknowledgement that provides required details for tax purposes and simultaneously demonstrates...