The first online peer-to-peer fundraising site, ArtistShare, appeared in 2003 and was designed to give supportive fans a way to financially support an artist’s work in return for an insider’s look at...
Here’s a great summary from LifeHacker on when to use which image type on the web:...
Fundraising professionals generally recognize James Greenfield’s finding that average fundraising cost per dollar raised is $0.20 (Fund-Raising: Evaluating and Managing the Fund...
More and more nonprofit organizations are developing mobile apps to engage constituents digitally. Museums are sharing their collections and enabling self-guided tours. Parks and monuments...
I went looking for great donation pages designed with an audience in mind and featuring well-packaged asks. Here are a few of the best I found. OXFAM Audience: Those who want to help...
Packaging your donations is an effective way to increase the volume of giving and the size of the average gift.. Before you start contemplating packaging, however, you want to be sure that...