Executive Guide to Nonprofit Success – Jan. 23rd, Cleveland OH

Sponsored by Howard, Wershbale & Co., the Executive Guide to Nonprofit Success offers a full day of presentations on topics ranging from website design to legal challenges confronting nonprofits...

Let’s Confuse Constituents!

I recently came across a great blog post from Dave Brock entitled “Let’s See How Much We Can Confuse Our Customers!” In it, Dave examines the dangers of building a “Go To Market Strategy” from an...

Rock Star Engagement

If you’ve ever been to a concert, you know that the opening act is in a tough position. Most of the crowd is impatient to see the main event and doesn’t know a single song. If the band doesn’t find a...

Cleveland Museum of Art Launches Mobile Membership Pages

Always forward-thinking when it comes to technology, the Cleveland Museum of Art has implemented mobile-optimized donation/membership pages using the Big River platform. With mobile web expected to...

Raise More Money With A Good Receipt

Last night I received a call from my alma mater. It was from a very engaging freshman student. He said he saw that I was an English Literature major and asked what I was doing now. We talked about my...

eCommerce Insights for Nonprofit Websites

Bloomua / Shutterstock.com   You have a pretty website. You make the online “ask” specific. You share success stories so donors can see the impact of their gifts. This is a great start. Next...